In this article I will be creating a simple clock widget. Due to Android Studio’s easy setup for new projects, I won’t be going over how to set up the manifest for this application or how to create a new blank widget. We’ll start from the point of modifying the boilerplate generated by Android Studio. Keep in mind I designed this article, and the subsequent ones, to more closely resemble notes than a fully-fledged article.

Let’s jump right in. To create a clock, you should avoid attempting to implement your own clock via manually updating the screen at a recurring interval. Instead, you should use the <TextClock> element. It is a simple built-in component providing front-end date time functionality with a minimal configuration.

The below code will display a <TextClock> with the format “Mon, 28 Sep 09:04” that will update every second.

<TextClock android:id="@+id/MyClock"
	android:format24Hour="EEE, dd LLL HH:mm">

One should note that, if the user is in a non-specified format, in my case this would be android:format12Hour, and the user of your widget is using that format, your widget will not look at all as you expect it to. For more information about how to use Android’s <TextClock>, visit the docs.

Now that we have the basis of how to display each section of time (day, time, and date), we can work on the design elements.

Rounded edges

In order to give an element rounded edges, you must define a <shape> with rounded edges in the /res/drawable/ folder. From there, you can use that shape as the background for your element.

Let’s start with defining the shape. We’ll need a background color or something similar and rounded corners:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- /res/drawable/widget_shape.xml -->
<shape xlmns:android="">
	<!-- Background color (can also be <gradient>) -->
	<solid android:color="#fff" />

	<!-- Radius for the corners -->
	<corners android:radius="32dp" />

Now we can try to use it as the background for an element. This will produce a <RelativeLayout> with a background of #fff and a corner radius of 32dp.

<RelativeLayout android:id="@+id/Root"

Note that it would be beneficial to extract the android:radius value to a dimen resource (i.e. @dimen/widget_corner_radius). We can repeat this process with each rounded element like our hour indicator or other widgets.

The only thing we have left to do functionality-wise is opening up the Clock app when the user touches the widget.

Action On Touch (Click)

With widgets, you can’t use the android:onClick property in your layout XML. As an alternative, the RemoteViews API provides a method for this on your widget:

	viewId: int,
	pendingIntent: PendingIntent

You’ll need two values to use this method, the viewId and the pendingIntent. To get the viewId, which we defined with the android:id attribute earlier, you can do<id> (i.e. Then, to get the pendingIntent, you’ll need to decide what you want to happen when the user clicks your widget. For this example, we’ll show you how to open the “Clock” app.

Launching an app

There are four steps to launching an app from a widget:

  1. Give your widget an id with android:id like done above
  2. Get your widget view with<id>
  3. Create an Intent with an action of Intent.ACTION_MAIN and run setPackage(packageName: String)
  4. Convert that Intent into a PendingIntent

To convert the Intent you created into a PendingIntent, you need to call PendingIntent.getActivity. Before we do that, let’s go over why we’re using getActivity.

There are four other methods on PendingIntent that function similarly: getActivities, getBroadcast, getForegroundService, and getService. We are using getActivity because we want to launch one app (also known as an “Activity”).

To use getActivity we’ll need three things: the context, a requestCode (unique identifier, for this we’ll use our appWidgetId), and the original Intent we created to launch the Clock app.

PendingIntent.getActivity(context, appWidgetId, intentToLaunchClock)

After completing those steps you can successfully pass your values to setOnClickPendingIntent to attach the action of launching an app to your widget or other element.

// Open clock when widget is touched
val intentToLaunchClock = Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).apply {
val pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(
	context, appWidgetId, intentToLaunchClock, 0
remoteViews.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingIntent)